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ADN Exclusive - SAC have decided to rebuild the bottom end of Ayr high street after recent feedback!

Just under a year since the original buildings between the old Woolworths store and the Forum centre where demolished South Ayrshire Council has decided to rebuild the buildings after recent local feedback.

(The original buildings during demolishing works)

SAC had planned to built new council offices but because everyone said the new building would look ugly SAC say they’ve been left with no choice but to rebuild the old buildings.

Although the new versions might look slightly different SAC say they will be finished by Christmas and will return the old Woolworths signage and a “Pic n Mix memorial” with the work costing over £30M or the equivalent of 100m Pic n Mixes.

One SAC staff member said...

“Our staff just love looking at old Woolworth’s Pic n Mix images online and have decided it’s in the publics interest to return these cherished memories by rebuilding the old buildings including the old Woolworths sign”

ADN will keep you updated via Facebook and online!

(We hope you enjoyed this April fools and ADN looks forward to seeing the real development for the bottom of Ayr high street but a Pick & Mix memorial probably won’t be part of it!)

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