Gabrielle Livingstone (21), Ambassador for Ayrshire Cancer Support, Ayrshire’s leading cancer support charity, is raising funds to help convert a former hotel in Ayr to a cancer support centre for children and young people from Ayrshire who are affected by a cancer diagnosis.

She has announced she will be shaving her hair to help raise urgently needed funds – within just 24 hours, Gabrielle has raised almost £3,000, helping to get a step closer to the £400,000 target currently set.
Gabrielle is the founder of ‘The Unheard Group’, an Instagram page offering support to young people with a parent struggling with cancer or have experienced the loss of a parent. She first discovered her Dad had been diagnosed with Metastatic Melanoma cancer when she was just 15 while in the middle of sitting her NAT 5 exams in school.

Since gaining thousands of followers on her Instagram page and campaigning for young people’s voices to be heard, by appearing across national TV and radio, she became an Ambassador for Ayrshire Cancer Support, where her role helps to raise awareness and funds for children and young people’s cancer support services and the urgent need to create a centre for this vital work to take place.
‘I think this project is so important for young people like myself who have felt isolated for far too long.
The creation of a new centre with play therapy spaces and support group rooms, in particular is very close to my heart as my dad is from Cumnock and we have roots here in Ayrshire. I remember when I was younger my dad would take me and my brother to the Killie games and we stuffed our faces with Killie pies. I’m so honoured to have been asked to be the ambassador for this project, especially for somewhere that feels like home.’ Said Gabrielle

Laura Brown, Head of Fundraising at Ayrshire Cancer Support said, ‘We would like to thank Gabrielle very much for being so brave on behalf of others affected by cancer in Ayrshire by helping us raise funds for our new cancer support centre. Ultimately her efforts will help children, young people and families throughout Ayrshire cope with cancer. She has said her father will be at her hair shave, he must be very proud of all that she is doing.’
You can donate to Gabrielle’s Hair Shave by clicking the link here justgiving