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Discounts of up to 50% offered for South Ayrshire sports and leisure

Cheaper access to sport, leisure and golf activities is being offered to tens of thousands of people across South Ayrshire. The Council's new look Access to Leisure Scheme offers discounts to a broad range of groups to make it easier than ever before to get active.

South Ayrshire Council is committed to widening opportunities for people of all ages to engage in sport and physical activity to promote healthy lifestyles. As part of the drive to encourage healthy lifestyles, a decision was taken in the 2018/19 Budget to increase the range of discounted access to encourage more people to get involved in sport and physical activity. From April 2018 new discount categories are being introduced offering discounts of up to 50% on memberships and admission prices. The new programme offers 15% off for South Ayrshire adults, 25% for those claiming state pensions, through to 50% for those claiming a range of income related benefits. Councillor Douglas Campbell, Leader of South Ayrshire Council said he was sure the new look programme would help get South Ayrshire moving, "One of the main barriers to participating in leisure activities can often be cost, and by reducing prices to Access to Leisure card holders, we're doing our bit to help more people get more active more often. "We're offering people significant discounts to use our sport and leisure facilities and golf courses, with target groups including every adult living in South Ayrshire, those on lower incomes, people with disabilities, carers, children in care, and students. "I think this new approach will be broadly welcomed and I hope that people take the time to find out more and get signed up ahead of the busy summer months." Councillor Brian McGinley, Depute leader of South Ayrshire Council said the revised scheme was designed to maximise community benefits, "This new way of working is important because it reflects the Council's new strategic commitments to make the most use of our facilities so that these become sustainable in the long run. "Crucially, the approach also broadens out access to a wide-range of people, while also reducing financial barriers for those on limited incomes. "I'm confident the new look Access to Leisure scheme will be warmly embraced by people across South Ayrshire and would urge anyone thinking about signing up to find our more at your local centre." All South Ayrshire Access to Leisure Cards are valid for 12 months. For more information, including a full rundown of the eligible categories and to see what exciting activities are available click this link.

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