THE public opening of Irvine's new leisure centre - the Portal - is inching ever closer.

From January 27, clubs, groups and schools will be invited to check out the facilities in a controlled environment.
KA Leisure are also currently organising refresher sessions for members to familiarise themselves with their new gym kit at The Portal.
Refresher sessions will last thirty minutes and are available 10am – 4pm from Friday 27 January for MEMBERS only.
The current studio timetable at the Magnum will relocate to the Portal from Monday 30th January.
Please note these classes are only open to KA Leisure MEMBERS.
The ‘Learn to Swim’ lesson programme continues at the Magnum until further notice.
A full public opening is expected to be confirmed over the next few days but the Council is confident this will happen sometime early to mid February.
For details of opening times, booking a gym induction and classes, please check out