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Have your say at the decision day for community funding in South Carrick

People in South Carrick are being encouraged to vote with their feet on how best to spend funding in their local community.

The ‘South Carrick Decides’ event’s being held at Girvan Academy between 11am and 2pm on Saturday 27 August. It’s a new way to encourage people to get actively involved in local decision making known as ‘Participatory Budgeting’.

These types of events offer local people the opportunity to decide how money is spent in their communities.

South Ayrshire Council and the Girvan and South Carrick Villages Locality Planning Group is asking the public for their help in making the sessions a success by attending and voting on their favourites community groups.

After similar, successful events in Ayr, Maybole and Troon the fourth decision day has its primary focus on projects that will benefit peoples’ health and wellbeing.

A fund of up to £15,000 is available at the event, with 27 community groups pitching to an audience of local people about their proposal and how it will benefit the community.

After all the pitches have been heard, the audience will vote to decide which groups should receive funding. Groups can be funded up to £750 for use in local projects. Anyone over the age of 12 is able to take part in the vote which, for the first time, will introduce interactive electronic voting.

The money was made available from the South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Scottish Government, and the BIG Lottery Fund. The money is spent on good causes rather than the costs of organising and promoting decision days.

Rita Miller, South Ayrshire Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health and Social Care, said the new approach was proving popular, “We’re committed to working with our communities to make life better and this new approach has already proved to be popular.

“Participatory Budgeting gives communities a direct say on what happens in their local areas and these events play a valuable role in helping to make that happen.

“I hope that we see a good turnout for the South Carrick event, with everyone aged 12 and up being given the chance to have a say on which projects they want to see receive community funding.”

The ‘Decision Day’ event takes place at Girvan Academy on Sat 27 August between 11am and 2pm. Special thanks goes to J Carruthers and Sons, Battleys, James Frew, Lyreco and Glenapp Castle for their support.

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