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Hundreds of new affordable homes to be built in South Ayrshire by 2022

Ambitious targets to build a new generation of affordable homes to help meet existing needs have been agreed by South Ayrshire Council. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) paves the way for almost 600 new homes to be built in the next five years.

The SHIP sets out the Council's strategic priorities for affordable housing and supports the outcomes set out in the recently agreed Local Housing Strategy. Priority areas for future development include Ayr, Prestwick, and Troon, the Council will be working with Registered Social Landlords and private partners to help deliver the plans.

As many as 580 properties will be delivered using a mix of Council resources, prudential borrowing and central funding. New build properties will maximise energy efficiency as part of wider efforts to reduce fuel poverty in South Ayrshire Households. Other initiatives being looked as part of the Council's wider housing strategy include the adaption of existing homes to allow people to continue to live longer in their communities.

Councillor Philip Saxton, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Housing & Customer Services said the plan set a positive blueprint, "I'm sure that families across South Ayrshire will welcome this commitment to build more new affordable homes, with several hundred new properties planned for the coming years.

"There are clear areas of high demand and we'll be working closely with communities in the months ahead to make sure that we deliver new housing stock that meets local needs wherever possible.

"Importantly we have the flexibility to identify new sites as they become available and incorporate new land into the plan as appropriate, meaning there is potential for further development in future."


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