Concerns about dangerous parking outside two schools has prompted fresh action from South Ayrshire Council. New restrictions are being put in place at peak times around Ayr Grammar Primary and Girvan Primary to force people to put child safety first.
Ayr Grammar Primary – existing restrictions allow for loading and unloading, but hazardous parking reduces visibility on the roads, causing problems for passing vehicles and pedestrians. New 'no loading' restrictions will be introduced at peak times, allowing immediate enforcement against anyone found to be breaking the rules.
Girvan Primary – indiscriminate parking on Wreck Road / Hervey Road means the crossing patroller currently has to cone-off the junction to help improve visibility, with congestion causing problems for passing vehicles and pedestrians. New double yellow lines are being put in place at the junction to prevent parking and improve visibility.
The work will be carried out by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on behalf of South Ayrshire Council.
Lesley Bloomer, South Ayrshire Council's Executive Director for Economy, Neighbourhood and Environment said the new measures would help keep children safe, "We're putting restrictions in place to send out a clear signal that inconsiderate parking is putting young lives at risk.
"Despite frequent campaigns alerting people about the potential consequences of dangerous parking in and around schools, a persistent minority still choose to put convenience first, with little apparent thought for the children around them.
"By taking action now I hope that people will stop to think about their driving habits and start to park further away, making peak times around our schools safer for all."