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POLICE NEWS: Special delivery at Eglinton Park event!

Police in North Ayrshire received a special thank you card from a young man who attended the multi agency ‘Safe-t In The Park’ event on Sunday.

After visiting the various emergency service vehicles and information stands young North Ayrshire resident Charlie approached officers to deliver a card he had produced for them to say thank you.

Sergeant Jason Peter, Local Authority Liaison Officer in North Ayrshire, said

“it was great to meet young Charlie and to hear of his support for policing and the emergency services.

“He took the time to make a thank you card for the work local officers undertake to help keep people safe and drew a picture of a police officer for the team.

“The card is now proudly on display within Irvine Police Office and is testament to why events like the summer safety event at Eglinton Park, at the weekend, help build positive relationships and provide additional opportunities for local people to meet officers.

“We would like to thank Charlie for his efforts and hope he considers policing as a career in the future.”

For further updates from the event check

#SafeSummerNA on social media.


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