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South Ayrshire Council stands against racism and discrimination

We know that some residents have concerns about the appropriateness of some monuments and street names in South Ayrshire. While we understand the historical context around some statues and street names, we also know why many people have reservations about which historical figures we celebrate. What may have been accepted in the past, is no longer acceptable today.

We will now take time to reflect on historical figures who are memorialised in South Ayrshire in local monuments and street names. We will consult with residents across our communities to decide on the most appropriate way to recognise our history, and time will be taken for reflection and re-appraisal.

Councillor Douglas Campbell, Leader of South Ayrshire Council said: "Concerns have been raised about a number of local statues and street names, and I'd like to reassure residents that we are taking this very seriously.

"Racism and discrimination will not be tolerated in any form, and we will carefully consider the appropriateness of these monuments, and consult with communities with regard to their future."

Full details of the public consultation will follow.


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