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Wearing a face covering when visiting hospitals says NHS

Following updated guidance from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Scottish Government, anyone visiting hospitals from Monday 29 June 2020 will be asked to wear a face covering throughout their visit.

This includes when attending hospital appointments.

Individuals who have contracted COVID-19 can pass the infection on to others before they develop symptoms (pre-symptomatic stage) or in the absence of any symptoms at all (asymptomatic). By wearing a face covering, this reduces the risk of transmitting the infection to others.

Professor Hazel Borland, Nurse Director, explains:

“Anyone visiting our hospitals will notice that staff in clinical areas – for example, wards or outpatient departments - will be wearing face masks. However, we now need to expand on this to include anyone visiting a clinical area.

“So, if you are visiting the hospital or have an outpatient appointment, be prepared, and wear a face covering. This doesn’t need to be a surgical mask, but a fabric face covering of the type recommended by the Scottish Government for use on public transport.

“If you come to the hospital without a face covering, we will be able to provide you with one. However, it is better if you bring your own.”

Visitors to our hospitals should also remember that hand hygiene and physical distancing remain the most important measures in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. Hand sanitisers will be available throughout our buildings and visitors should ensure they wash their hands before and after they enter. Signage will be visible throughout the buildings to encourage physical distancing and correct direction of travel.

Professor Borland adds:

“We know that these measures may prove challenging for some people. However, washing your hands, physical distancing and wearing a face covering is vital if we are to reduce infection rates. Stay safe. Protect others. Save lives.”


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