TWO Ayr men spent £35,000 on 500 kilos of Fish and soon after hired a private jet from Blackpool.

Jamie Abernathy and Brian Darroch, both from Ayr, leave court judge "Speechless" - after the drinking partners made use of a credit card scam.
The drunking pair had ordered 3 kitchen stoves, 500 kilos of Fish worth £35,000 and a private jet had been hired worth £3,600.
Mr Abernathy and Darroch, were on a holiday to Blackpool and also treated themselves to quality hotel rooms, meals and booze. This came about as they steal credit card details from five members of a gym.
The huge amount of Fish was purchased from a wholesaler in Lancashire.
The court said it's not known why exactly they purchased the three kitchen stoves and the private jet.
After hearing of railworker Abernathy, 46 and Darroch, 35 who is jobless, the Judge said to himself: "Good heavens".
Prosecutor Jonathan Dickinson said both claimed to live at an address in the resort which turned out to be vacant and falsely said they were construction workers.
Mr Dickinson said: "Staff became suspicious and after they had left, staff had checked the the lockers in the changing room and discovered 12 lockers were locked, keys had been removed but there was no property inside the lockers.
"In the days after the defendants joined a number of members of the club had their credit card details stolen. Their credit cards were amongst their property locked in the club lockers.
"The credit card details were then used fraudulently in order to purchase hotel accommodation, copious amounts of alcohol, meals and a private jet flight from Blackpool airport to Elstree in North London, costing £3,600.
"A little unusually, the credit card details were also used to buy seafood at just under £35,000 - namely 80 kilos of Dover Sole, 80 kilos of halibut, 150 kilos of lobster and 150 kilos of king scallops."
Double trouble Darroch and Abernathy were arrested at Bannantynes, as staff contacted police when they returned to the Gym giant.
They appeared back in court this year after the crimes they made in 2013.