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BREAKING: Record pay deal for NHS Scotland staff Announced

NHS Agenda for Change workers offered 5% pay rise.

The Scottish Government has offered a 5% pay rise to NHS Scotland Agenda for Change staff – the largest single-year increase since devolution.

The deal would benefit more than 160,000 employees including nurses, paramedics, allied health professionals and healthcare support staff.

Depending on roles and experience, front-line workers would receive pay rises ranging from around £1,000 to £2,400. The offer – which is being considered by staff - will be backdated to 1 April 2022.

It is the second year in a row that the Scottish Government has offered a record high pay deal to NHS Agenda for Change (AfC) staff. The 2021/22 settlement provided an average 4% increase.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said:

“Our NHS Agenda for Change workforce – like nursing and midwifery staff, porter staff, and therapy staff – have long had the best pay and conditions in the UK, and with today’s offer of a 5% pay rise, we’re demonstrating our commitment to ensuring that continues to be the case. It is a demonstration of how much we value our NHS staff who have worked tirelessly to keep us safe during the course of the pandemic.

“Following constructive discussions with unions and employers, we are offering the biggest single-year NHS pay uplift since devolution.

“Experienced porters will receive more than £1,000 extra, while a healthcare support worker will see more than £1,200 extra. Experienced nurses will see their pay rise by more than £1,600 and an experienced advanced nurse practitioner will receive almost £2,400 more.

“In fact, as we’re building on NHS Scotland staff being the best paid in the four nations, the UK Government would need to deliver pay uplifts of between 6% to 14% to front line NHS England Agenda for Change staff to catch up with pay levels in Scotland.

“This has been another exceptionally challenging year for our health service and I am pleased that the Scottish Government is able to recognize the service and dedication of our healthcare and support staff. We will be forever grateful for their professionalism and care.”

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