Wendy Carswell, Physiotherapy Assistant Practitioner, and Emma Mair, Pain
Management Physiotherapist have been awarded the Isabella Kimmett
Compassionate Care Award at a ceremony on Monday 23 May.

The Isabella Kimmett Compassionate Care Award is awarded twice a year, and
celebrates nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals, GP and care home
staff who have shown compassionate care qualities.
Emma was nominated by one of her patients who is living with chronic pain. The
patient described Emma as “having gone above and beyond her duty of care”. They
went on to describe how Emma provided support and reassurance through
appointments, telephone calls, and near-me appointments. The patient felt that,
without Emma’s help, they didn’t know how they would have gotten through the past 16
Not knowing about her own nomination, Emma nominated her colleague Wendy
Carswell. Emma describes Wendy as “a valued member of the physiotherapy
service” who puts “what matters at the heart of any care she is involved with and
how we make services better for those requiring care”.
Wendy has established strong links across other NHS Ayrshire & Arran services,
with the aim of joining up care for the future delivery of services. She is also involved
in promoting a national pain management webinar series.
Both ladies were presented with the award by Julie Hannah, Associate Nurse Director who said,
“NHS Ayrshire & Arran strives to provide an individualized and
a person-centered approach to care and I am delighted to hear this is reflected in
the care is given by both Emma and Wendy.
“I am delighted to present this award to both Emma and Wendy in recognition of the
work that they have done and continue to do. It is appreciated by so many across
the organization.”
If you know someone who deserves to be awarded for the quality of their
compassionate care, you can nominate them by
emailing compassionatecareaward@aapct.scot.nhs.uk and asking for a nomination