Easy riding East Ayrshire Provost, Jim Todd is set to roar through the area on his beloved Triumph, accompanied by 200 fellow blue-bearded bikers on August 5 – on his second “Ride for Dad” – deliberately shattering the peace of a Sunday morning to raise awareness of prostate disease, in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.
Entries for the trip through towns and villages of East Ayrshire are now being taken via www.eac.eu/ridefordad. It’s the second time the Provost has led such a cavalcade. In 2013 he led Ride for Dad with 100 motorcyclists, travelling from Kilmarnock to Cumnock, drawing attention to prostate disease with the aim of breaking down taboos and encouraging men to come forward for checks.
This time, with a newly extended route, starting at East Ayrshire Council HQ in Kilmarnock and taking in Fenwick, Waterside, Moscow and Galston and then on to Sorn, Cumnock , and returning through Mauchline and Crookedholm to Kilmarnock’s Dean Castle Country Park, 200 riders and pillions are being invited to sign up with an entry fee of £15.00 per rider and £7.00 for pillions.
Provost Todd explains: “Prostate Cancer UK does an amazing job funding research and offering huge practical and emotional support to men with prostate disease and their families.
But while prostate disease is easily treated if diagnosed early, it still kills many men every year because they’re too embarrassed to seek help or go for simple checks. We decided that if a bunch of blue bearded bikers weren’t scared to make a noise, discuss the issues and go for checks, it would set a good example and encourage them to find out about the symptoms and treatment.
“We’re really looking forward to Ride for Dad 2018 – it’s a fun day, with a serious message and an amazing sight to see so many motorcycles riding through our towns – like an updated version of the Riding of the Marches done in the Scottish Borders. We hope people will come out and cheer us on. We’ll be stopping at Rothesay House in Cumnock at 12 noon for a break and refreshments kindly supplied by one of our generous sponsors, Ferguson’sbakery. Anyone wanting to come along, see the bikes and find out more about the charity will be made very welcome.
“And it’s not just about a certain type of motorcycle – we’ll have mods on Vespas, traditionalists on Harleys and a fair selection of touring and racing bikes – a diverse bunch – with one thing in common – even the ladies will be wearing blue beards!”
“The finale of the ride will be at Dean Castle Country Park, with live music, and food available at discounted rates in the Visitor Centre Café thanks to franchise holders Servest.
Every entrant will also receive a special commemorative t-shirt, printed by Rainbow Ink, pin badges and special vouchers from RGM Music in Nelson Street who have also generously donated a superb Tanglewood accoustic guitar which we will be raffling for the cause.
“While all profits from the event will go to Prostate Cancer UK, we’re also encouraging participants to raise some sponsor money, either with a form, downloadable from our webpage or through Prostate Cancer UK’s Just Giving site. All details are available on our page.
“At the end of the day it’s a great way for us to meet up, raise some awareness and have fun doing it. If it helps persuade one man to get checked in time to save a life, it will be totally worth it.”
Ride for Dad 2018 starts at East Ayrshire Council HQ on Sunday 5 August – bikes will depart at 11.00am and return to Dean Castle Country Park from 1.45pm. For details of how to enter, and timings for the route, see www.eac.eu/ridefordad