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Public open doors event announced for new Ayr Academy

People in Ayr and the surrounding area are being given the chance to have a special behind the scenes look at the new Ayr Academy. An open event is being held on Saturday 16 September, to allow the community to see the newly opened building first hand. 

Construction of the £25million school began at Ayr's Craigie Estate in January 2016. With a history dating back to 1233, the last incarnation was built in 1880 and closed earlier this year. Its eye-catching replacement has space for up to 1,000 pupils, and also features two learning plazas, a multi-use hall, two gyms and a fitness/movement room, and sports pitches. The project is part of a £94million pipeline of works being delivered across South Ayrshire in the next year, with the aim of enhancing standards through targeted investment. Councillor William Grant, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning said the event was a unique opportunity to see the building, "With classes now underway at Ayr Academy, this fantastic new resource is well worth seeing first-hand. "As well as transforming education for generations of young people, the school has also been designed to become a community hub. It's much more than a school and will be a great venue for sporting activities, community meetings and other activities. "We're hoping for a high turnout for the open day when we'll welcome visitors to an eye-catching new building that's already proved to be a big hit with pupils and teachers alike." Visitors will be shown round the completed school and will be offered refreshments afterwards. Anyone interested in going along is asked to visit reception on Saturday 16 September between 10:00am and 1:00pm. Staff will be on hand to explain more about the project and answer questions about how the facility will be used.

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