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Council donates thousands to local cancer charity

South Ayrshire Council has donated £5,000 to Ayrshire Cancer Support. 

The donation was made possible thanks to the generosity of bereaved families who allowed metal implants to be recovered and then recycled following cremations at Masonhill Crematorium. The Council is a member of the UK Crematoria recycling metals scheme, which means that with the permission of the deceased person's family, any leftover metals can be recycled and the money used to help good causes in Ayrshire. Started in 1982, Ayrshire Cancer Support provides emotional support and practical help to those affected by cancer. The charity aims to ensure that help is readily available throughout Ayrshire for those who need it. Kenny Dalrymple, from the Council’s Neighbourhood Services team handed over the cheque to Sandra McCall, Chief Executive of Ayrshire Cancer Support. The charity will now use the funding to provide more counselling, complementary therapy sessions and support groups for cancer patients and their families at their Cancer Support Centre, Wellington Square, Ayr. Mike Newall, Head of Neighbourhood Services at South Ayrshire Council said: “The charity relies on donations, so this cheque is sure to make a big difference as they continue to improve the quality of life for those living with cancer and their families. “The donation would not have been possible without the permission of bereaved families and I am sure they will be glad the money is being used to help those in need.” Sandra McCall, Chief Executive of Ayrshire Cancer Support said “We are extremely grateful for this very generous donation – it is very much appreciated, and especially so as it comes about through bereaved families. “As we do not receive any statutory funding we rely on donations and our own fundraising activities to allow us to continue to offer all of our services free of charge, which is why this type of gift is so important." In addition to the emotional support, information and drop-in facilities they offer at two centres in Ayr and Kilmarnock, the charity also provide hospital transport for cancer patients going for their treatments to The Beatson in Glasgow and local hospitals here in Ayrshire. 

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