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Stagecoach West Scotland announce amendments to proposed Ayr

Following a recent public consultation on proposed changes to bus services operated in Ayrshire, Stagecoach West Scotland has announced a number of changes to its original service proposals.

The new network of services will now take effect from 17th September 2017, and have been amended as a result of a comprehensive evaluation of passenger and public feedback.

The timetable changes were proposed due to a considerable change in passenger travelling habits over recent years.

This has been driven by changes to working patterns, shopping patterns and the decrease in the relative cost of car ownership, which has led to a decrease in overall passenger numbers. At the same time congestion on roads has increased and operating costs have risen.

Tom Bridge Managing Director, Stagecoach West Scotland said: “We need to provide services that reflect current travel patterns and are sustainable, allowing us to invest in our employees and vehicles.

“Throughout the consultation period we have had a number of comments asking us to leave services as they are, or indeed to increase service provision. However, this is simply not a realistic option.

“We have made a number of amendments to our proposals based on feedback during the consultation period, a number of which will not be sustainable in the longer term if we do not see improved passenger numbers and action from relevant authorities on congestion and better bus priority measures. Our staff work extremely hard every day to provide good quality services to you, our passengers, and we value every journey that you make.

However we must have viable services and as such we encourage you to support your local bus services to ensure that they can continue to operate.”

A leaflet explaining the change to each route and, in particular, any change to stopping arrangements in Ayr Town Centre, will be produced and full timetables will also be available in the coming weeks, in printed format and on our website. The changes to the original proposal are set out below:

Service 1 – Service 1 will now remain on a 30 minute frequency but will incorporate the Masonhill terminus on its route.

The route between 0900 and 1800 will be Ayr Town Centre – St Andrews Street – Glencairn Road – Hillfoot Road - Masonhill – Clarendon Place – Caledonia Road – St Andrews Street – Ayr Town Centre. Morning and evening journeys will operate via Ashgrove Street and not St Andrews Street. Evening journeys will not serve Masonhill

Service 2 – Service 2 will now remain on its current route from Dalmilling to Ayr via Craigie and from Ayr to Asda via Prestwick. This will allow the new Ayr Academy campus to be served for those from Dalmilling. Journey times on a Saturday will be changed to aid punctuality of the service

Service 3 - Service 3 will now remain on its current route from Whitletts to Ayr and not operate via Dalmilling as was proposed

Service 8 – This will be withdrawn and replaced by an hourly service on the 58 service which will now also operate, between 0900 and 1730, via the High Street, Ayr

Service 9 – Service 9 will now remain on a 30 minute frequency from Doonfoot, please see service 1 for details of the Masonhill service 9

Service 14 – Service 14 will now continue to serve Monkton on an hourly basis and will also include the roundabout at Lang Road end, Troon on all journeys. Service 14 will operate from Douglas Street Ayr and not from Ayr Bus Station. The proposed service 14B from Troon to Irvine will be implemented but the service number will be the 14A

Service 42 – this route will be changed as outlined in the original proposals. The 30 minute frequency between Drongan and Ayr will remain however only one bus an hour will continue beyond Drongan to Ochiltree and Cumnock. The route from Cumnock to Muirkirk will remain on an hourly frequency.

Service 43 - this route will be changed as outlined in the original proposals. The 30 minute frequency between Tarbolton and Ayr will remain however only one bus an hour will continue beyond Tarbolton to Mauchline, Catrine and Cumnock. The route from Cumnock to New Cumnock will remain on an hourly frequency.

Service 43A – An additional early morning journey and a number of evening journeys have been added to the original proposal

Service 52 –In order to improve punctuality the service will now operate via Miller Road to the Bus Station and not via High Street, Ayr and Douglas Street

Service 58 – service 58 will now operate via High Street, Ayr on inbound journeys as well as via The Loaning

Service 60 – service 60 will continue to operate via Culzean while we discuss a more appropriate service with The National Trust for Culzean Castle.

Service 60 will no longer be diverted via The Loaning but will continue to operate as currently via Maybole Road, Ayr

Service X77 – minor changes to evening departure times from Glasgow and a further direct service (not via Kilmarnock) from Glasgow in the early evening

Stagecoach West Scotland would like to thank all of those who took the time to comment on the proposals and all those passengers who travel on its network of services.

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